15th April 2020

The Great Indoors – Week 4

Already into our 4th week of great indoor activities. Well done to everyone for being so patiently and keeping up with us.

We have selected another set of activities for you to do whilst at home, and of course you can get your whole family involved in this. It is a great way of showing what you do in Scouts.

Many of you have got a lovely pet, but even if you don’t you can do this activity. You can use your real life experience or you can use your imagination.

Follow this link for the full details of the activity: https://www.scouts.org.uk/activities/animal-diary/

You will have the ability to make dessert for tea tonight.

Follow this link for the full details: https://www.scouts.org.uk/activities/fairly-baked-bananas/

As our virtual meeting was such a success last week, how about trying out some more paper skills?

Follow this link for the full details: https://www.scouts.org.uk/activities/a-cut-above/