Online Scout Manager (OSM)

We use Online Scout Manager (OSM) to handle most of the groups administration, including programmes, booking events and payments (membership subscription and camps/events).

The personal details are held by the group to help with the annual census, reclaim gift aid, create health forms and provide day to day / emergency contact details and activity permissions for meetings, events and camps. It saves our leaders having to capture this information every time we do something.

It is therefore important that these details are completed, accurate and kept up to date.

Without these we may struggle to contact you in an emergency and your young person may not be able to participate in (some of the) activities. The system will send out a regular reminder to confirm that information shared with the group is up-to-date.

Contact Details

Wherever possible please complete the contact details with 3 different people.

For a young person this would typically be:

  • Primary Contact 1 & 2 – Parents / Guardians / Carers
  • Emergency Contact – Grandparent / Close Family or Friend

If your young person has their own email address and you would like to give them access to all the Scout emails directly, feel free to enter their email under the member section.

In case we need to contact a parent/guardian/carer, ONLY the details under Primary Contact 1, Primary Contact 2 or the Emergency Contact will be used.

Guidance notes on completing Personal Details in OSM

(Day to Day and Emergency Contact 1)

This should be the primary parent / carer / guardian that Leaders will correspond with in the first instance for day to day things or contact in an emergency and can act on behalf of the child. This is usually the person who pays the membership fees.

Generic notes

  • Phone 1: Main contact number, which can be either a mobile or landline
  • Phone 2: is an alternative contact number.

NB If you want to enter a home and a work number, please add them in this format; ‘0117 123456 (home) 0141 456789 (work)’

  • Email 1: is typically a personal email address.
  • Email 2: can be a work email address (if permitted) or alternative email address.
  • Address: is the contact persons primarily residence.
  • Relationship: – with the young person. I.e. parent / carer / guardian

Please enter an email address. It is a legal requirement that we should never email anyone under 16 without copying in a parent / carer if the young persons personal email address has been entered under member. This is also the email address that all correspondence will be sent to and from the group for events, updates, membership fees etc.

(Day to Day and Emergency Contact 2)

This will be the child’s other parent, carer, guardian, relative etc who Leaders will correspond with usually only in an emergency or for something urgent and can act on behalf of contact 1 if we can’t get hold of them.

Please enter an email address if you want this person to receive day to day emails from Leaders for the child.

Generic notes

  • Phone 1: Main contact number, which can be either a mobile or landline
  • Phone 2: is an alternative contact number.

NB If you want to enter a home and a work number, please add them in this format; ‘0117 123456 (home) 0141 456789 (work)’

  • Email 1: is typically a personal email address.
  • Email 2: can be a work email address (if permitted) or alternative email address.
  • Address: is the contact persons primarily residence.
  • Relationship: – with the young person. I.e. parent / carer / guardian

If the address is the same as member or primary contact 1, please enter ‘As member’ or ‘As contact 1’ respectively in “address 1”.

(If all else fails Emergency Contact 3)

Someone who will know how to contact primary contact 1 or 2, or knows where they might be or act on behalf of contact 1 or 2 if we can’t get hold of either of them.

This will only be used in an emergency or for something really urgent. If you enter an email address they will not receive any email correspondence for the group.

Generic notes

  • Phone 1: Main contact number, which can be either a mobile or landline
  • Phone 2: is an alternative contact number.

NB If you want to enter a home and a work number, please add them in this format; ‘0117 123456 (home) 0141 456789 (work)’

  • Email 1: (will not receive any email correspondence for the group)
  • Email 2: (will not receive any email correspondence for the group)
  • Address: is the contact persons primarily residence.
  • Relationship: – with the young person.

You should complete this section with either the young persons details or your details (as an adult).

For a young person, if they don’t have a personal email account, mobile phone etc or you don’t want leaders contacting them by these methods then leave these fields blank. Typically these fields are blank for Beavers and Cubs, but Scouts sometimes have an email address parents are happy for us to use.

Do not enter your details as a parent / carer / guardian under members. Those details need to be provided in Primary Contact 1 and 2.

  • Nationality: is for the Census only – English, British etc.

Your doctor’s details, address, phone number, young persons NHS number etc.

Medication: List any prescribed medication here.

  • Date of Birth: Please check that we have the correct details.
  • Medical Details: Does the participant need to bring along or take any medication at present? – eg pills, injections, inhalers, epipens etc. If so, please list and provide details including dosage information and whether adult or self medicated.
  • Allergies: Does the participant have any allergies? eg to medication, certain foods, nuts, insect bites/stings, plasters etc. If so, please list and provide details including any medication or precautions needed inc. severity, Epipens etc.
  • Dietary requirements: Does the participant have any special dietary needs? (i.e. vegetarian/vegan, gluten free). If so please provide details.
  • Swimmer: Can the young person swim 50m in light clothes?
  • Other useful information: Please provide any further information that you may wish to supply including disabilities, medical treatment, conditions or circumstances that may affect the participant in fully participating in an activity: eg special needs, ADHD, mobility restrictions, poor sight, fear of heights, can’t ride a bike etc.
  • Medication not allowed: The following will be available at camps etc if required:
    • Burn relief cream/spray
    • Antiseptic Cream – dettol, savlon etc
    • Sun Cream / After sun
    • Bite and Sting relief e.g. Waspeze
    • Insect repellant
    • Ibuprofen
    • Paracetamol
    • Plaster/surgical tape/plaster spray

Gift Aid

Gift Aid allows charities to claim 25p from the government for every pound donated. Please allow us to claim Gift Aid on your subscriptions as it will increase our income at no cost to you.

In this section you can add or update your Gift Aid Declaration.