8th May 2018

Annual General Meeting

Dear Parents,

As some of you are already aware from the Cub timetable, we are holding our AGM this term on Wednesday 23rd May at 6.00pm. Following on from the success of previous years, we are combining this with a Family BBQ and Fun night. The actual AGM will not take long and we will combine this with an Investiture of our newer Members.

There will be an overview of how the 78th Group is doing, future plans, finances and the current committee members. If you would like to join our committee then you would be most welcome, in whatever capacity you feel you could make a positive contribution to continue making this a thriving group. We always welcome help in whatever form, as the group can only survive with our volunteer leaders and helpers.

Group leaders will be on hand to answer questions about Group Camp in September and group activities. There will also be the opportunity to update you on fund raising and plans etc; and to answer questions.