6th November 2017

New Payment Schedule Setup

Dear Parents/Carers,

As most of you already know we use Online Scout Manager (OSM) in our group for taking payments for subs, camps and other events. Parents/carers will have the option to setup direct debits for subs so that payments can be taken on a scheduled bases.

As there were system issues (through no fault of you parents/carers) with taking payments over the last couple of terms all existing Direct Debits have now been cancelled and new ones have been setup on the system. This week all parents/carers of whom the system have flagged issues will be asked to setup a new Direct Debit for this term. Those who already have paid will not have to setup a new Direct Debit until the next term date, which is January 1st 2018.

If you already have made a payment via Cheque or Cash it is possible that this has not been registered on OSM yet, please let us know and we will update our OSM records.

Apologies for the inconvenience, it has taken some planning and executing to setup the new schemes.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us, either via email or on Wednesday evening.